Monday, March 19, 2012

I Want To Be Adopted

As some of you know and now others who do not know, both of my parents are deceased which makes me an orphan. Tragic to become an orphan so late in life. I feel robbed, cheated and angry at the lord for taking away what was once mine. This is exactly why I envy kids who grew up in the Orphanage. They at least never knew their parents so they have nothing to miss once they depart this earthly plane. Sure they had to mop floors, risk rape at the hands of foster parents and siblings and of course the whole not feeling loved thing but hey, at least they never knew what they were missing.

So I guess my life is just like the musical "Annie" save for the fact that the old bald guy I met one time at a hotel bar slipped something in my drink and raped me. So yes it's exactly like the musical...The sun will come out, tomorrow....

It should be noted and I would be remiss if I didn't add the circumstances of my parents demise. See they were playing an intense game of Jenga when my Father knocked over the blocks and then my mother shot him. Such a dangerous game, it should really come with a warning or something.

This has thus left me an orphan and an orphan who is getting married in less than four months so in order to feel loved and supported and to balance out our family photos since my fiancé is Italian and has like eighty cousins and sisters and aunts I'm looking to be adopted.

Yes I want to be adopted, for just one day. Those willing to adopt me would have to be white for obvious reasons, preferably of Irish descent so we sort of resemble each other with our bad teeth, big ears and pasty skin and also be either childless or have a deceased child this way they can spoil me rotten all the while making me the sole center of their attention.

So if you don't mind being called Mom and Dad for a day by a random stranger, enjoy a free meal, in possession of most of your teeth and want to adopt me, please contact me post haste. If not, then I will be forced to have uneven and empty pictures and when the Mother/Groom dance comes I will have to slowly twirl in a circle with my arms out while Rod Stewart's "Forever Young" blares through the speakers making everyone feel sorry for me or awkward. Don't let my wedding be awkward, adopt me for a day.

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